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Q: Jared, what is your availability?

At the moment, late afternoon hours and weekends have the best chances of shoot availability. I ask that you give me as much of an advanced-notice as possible so that we can plan out shoot details if needed. A week in advance is great! 

Q: How far do your services extend? Are you willing to commute long distances?

I am currently operating within southeastern Pennsylvania, 
A $0.50 fee is added per mile past a 8 mile radius of my
home to cover travel expenses. I am potentially open to photographing in other areas as well. Please connect with
me if you would like to know!

Q: I have a specific color scheme I like with my photos, can we discuss how my images look?

Please let me know what your are interested in so we can discuss! Depending on the "extremity" of the look you are looking to achieve will determine if it is better that I defer you to another photographer. Photographers usually have a specific editing style they look to achieve throughout all of their photos. Most photographers prefer that they not promote or produce photography that is outside of their style.

Q: How do you use the photos you've taken of me?

I am committed to preserving your privacy! Once purchased, Your portraiture is yours, and I only use portraiture to promote my photography services. You may see the photos appear on my marketing materials in print and digital form, whether it be on social media or in an advertisement. Your photos will not be sold by me to anyone else or used beyond personal promotional purposes without your documented permission.

Q: How do I get to use my own images?

Your purchase, your face, your images! Print them out, share them with your friends, make them your profile picture and save them in your scrapbooks! The only restriction that the images have, is that it is not permitted for you to sell for your own profit. This is agreed upon when signing up for the photoshoot.

Q: I don't think there's a time that works for me within your availability. Do you have any other photographers within your network that you could recommend?

Absolutely! Please don't hesitate to ask. Please let me know the following so that I can better recommend one for you:

  • Location where photographer is needed

  • What kind of photos you are looking for

  • Any other details you feel may be important

Q: Do I need to credit you on social media?

Your call! I appreciate the referrals, as that is what allows me to keep this service running :)

Q: I am looking to do an indoor shoot, is that something you can do?

It is a possibility! Please get in touch with me to discuss logistics so that you can make your decision.

Was your question not answered?

Please feel free to ask!

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